San Francisco H3
SFH3 Run #2189
Tiara Trail
Monday, April 22, 2024, 6:15 pm
: Palace of Fine Arts
: Douche of Hazzard and Just Get It Over With
: 56 °F / 13 °C, partially cloudy, moderate breeze.
: $7
: Guinness
: Final Final

Cum Get Your Sparkle On at the Tiara Trail!

Yes, I know you've all been waiting for this. The one time of year you get to parade around through the City in a tiara. The one time??? Hmm, well, I don't know all of your antics the rest of the year, but anyway...THIS HASH gives you the EXCUSE TO DO IT WITH MANY, MANY PEOPLE! Woohoo. Tiaras...I'm talking TIARAS. Get your head...who said head?...outta the gutter. 
There may be hills.
There may be a pretty drink check.
There may be a beer check.
There may be prizes.
There may be debauchery...

Bring your own tiaras! There will be a small (or large) prize for best and/or most original. If you forget, or if you are lazy, Douche will be selling some for $1. First cum, gets first served. 

Start is at Palace of Fine Arts (cuz we're princesses, obviously). On on on at Final Final for late-night pizza and jello shots.

Last updated 23 days ago.