Fully Mooned H3
FMH3 Run
Oh Shit
Friday, January 9, 2015, 6:30 pm
: Zeitgeist, 199 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States
: Unknown
Start at Zeitgeist 199 Valencia St at 6:30pm
Hare: Oh Shit
FB event for updates: https://www.facebook.com/events/635034119957000

Last night after SFH3 I loitered on my way out of the bar, talking to Who's Your Daddy as he bemoaned, "I can't even remember the last time I've been kissed!" His lips gleamed lusciously with pizza grease, so I grabbed his face and offered my services. "No!" he said turning away. "I want it to MEAN something." Dejected, I headed out the door to my waiting taxi, knowing from the look on Titty Booboo's face that WYD would get meaningful lips on his soon enough. Striking out with WYD was just the tip, of the iceberg. My taxi ended up trapped in a roadblock for 45 minutes as someone threatened to throw himself off the 280 overpass. "Here's someone having a worse night than me", I thought, "But just barely". Fortunately i have the fully mooned pub crawl to look forward to. Oh Shit is haring the first FMH3 of 2015 starting at Zeitgeist at 6:30. Oh Shit will be setting the bar for all other FMH3s of the year, so all the hares I raised last night had better turn up to see what kind of act you're following!