San Francisco H3
SFH3 Run #1977
TiM's 420 Invasion!
Monday, April 20, 2020, 6:15 pm
: Today is Monday
: $7
: Do Her Well

Prepare to fail your drug test. 


SFH3 is doing virtual Zoom trails for the duration of the quarantine. Structure is as follows:

Zoom meetings are posted on the facebook page. Details may be posted here, but also you can email to get added to the facebook page or to be given the Zoom link.

6:30-6:45: Chalk talk and pre-lube
6:45-7:30: Pack away - solo run or activity
7:30-8:30: Circle

Solo activity is up to your discretion, but suggested activities include lifting a 12oz weight from the counter to your face, masturbation, naked yoga, rope binding, doing a puzzle, running 6 miles in the space of your balcony, or stacking a pile of Cheetos into the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Please bring a song for circle!

Last updated about 3 years ago.