SFH3 Run #1877: Pink Tutu Run
: 05/21/2018
: Sea Wall Lot (Front & Union)
: Cream Chugger and Handpump
: Do Her Well

Just Get It Over With sits attentively in front of the center of the stage. It isn't quite boobies, but it perhaps may be even better. Anaphylactic Cock settles down next to her, and they finally shush Dick Ass Mother Fucker. Wrinklepecker and Cosmic Pussy grab the snacks from Five Angry Inches, who is slapped by Fuck Norris for letting them get away. Tears of Semen checks her watch when she sees Stinky Floss moving towards the door. Finally, Hand Pump opens the curtains, dims the backlights and brightens the stage lights, starts the music, and nods at Cream Chugger to begin singing:




The flour glows white on the sidewalk tonight
Old checkmarks everywhere
Livers of desecration
And it looks like I'm the hare




Buck Fucka is howling as Good Shit's guts storm inside
Couldn't keep Fucker penned, Udder Moron knows I've tried
Don't let Shaft win, don't let Tonya Hardon see
Be the good hare you always have to be


Set trail, don't fail, don't let them know
Well, they're pretty slow...




Let it go, let it go
Can't do B2B anymore
Let it go, let it go
Pull the costumes off, Rent Whore
I don't care what Backside's going to say
Let the hash rage on
The hangover never bothered me anyway




It's funny how a 12 Days Patch makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled Ska Skank can't get to her at all
Vagina Dentata sees what she and Chicken Bone Her can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, No Conditions Apply
That's why...




We can let it go, let it go
Hoseblower twirls in the sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see Douchicorn cry
Here Cockamole stands and here Circle Jerk stays
Let the hash r*n on




The cardboard flurries through Just Sao's hands from the ground
He's Hey Boxy Lady-- cry the hashers from all around
The visitors crystallize from far away
Geordi La Foreskin and I Did Butt, hashing one more day!




Let it go, let it go
The hangover never bothered me anyway
Let it go, let it go
Backwash rises like the break of dawn


Let it go, let it go
Our headaches all are gone
Dick Simmons snaps pics in the light of day
Let Muff Daddy sleep in


B2B never bothered me anyway




There is complete silence. Mouth Down South is passed out on top of the bag of tutus, snoring gently next to Sleazy Like Sunday Whoring.  Tuna on Top wheels over their feet to wake them up, and they belatedly whap their hands together in half-conscious applause.




"Oh, it's from Frozen!" Banana In Public exclaims.




One and Done flips a Bird.